You know what's going on here? Good. You saw it on your RSS feed? Great. Otherwise?
- Interestingly, I Need Help --- last week's major piece, built on one of those shocking little moments of self-awareness.
- Statistics January: Cartoonists Dying Or Going Missing Is Good For My Readership according to WordPress, anyway.
- Statistics Saturday: Some Obscure Football Rules that's sure to be useful now that there's no football for like half a year now.
- What’s Going On In Gasoline Alley? And What Happened To Jim Scancarelli? and I don't know, but it all happened before.
- In Which I Make Your Life Better by Explaining Why You Think You Heard Of Bernard Baruch a follow-up to the big piece last week as I realize that just because I've heard of something doesn't mean anything.
- The Twentieth Talkartoon: The Male Man and what I figured would be just a bunch of post office jokes that got weird.
- In Which I Am Judged Correctly in an incident happening in real life.
- Is Ray Davies A Normal Person? This week's big piece, in which I look closely at the issue.
And now we can fairly look back on Motor City Fur[ry] Con!
More raccoon content, here at con suite as lunch gets readied.
bunny_hugger chatting with a bobcat over the usual sorts of things.
So all of a sudden everybody in the world was taking the stairs at the same time, and here they are.
In the games room bunny_hugger discovers Wabbit Wampage, a toon maythem-themed game of rabbits-versus-farmers that you'd think would have been famous in alt.devilbunnies culture if not in all early furry fandom but that we never heard of before and couldn't be quite sure we were playing right.
And the dance! Which I admit looks a lot like the previous year's dance but, hey, it looks good, doesn't it?
More dancing. I like how I caught a light at the edge of that guy in the center's shirt.
Trivia: Montreal placed its bid for the 1944 Winter Olympic Games in July 1938, over three years after St Moritz submitted its. Source: Encyclopedia of the Modern Olympic Movement, Editors John E Findling, Kimberly D Pelle.
Currently Reading: George Green, Mathematician and Physicist, 1793 - 1841: The Background to his Life and Work, D M Cannell.
PS: Reading the Comics, February 3, 2018: Overworked Edition as I finish looking over mathematics comics from last week already.