Worked through the heat and my cold on my mathematics blog, and even got a post with some non-comics stuff in there. If you missed it on your RSS feed, please, give this a fresh try:
- Reading the Comics, June 19, 2018: Don’t Ask About The Hyperbolic Cosine Edition (and you all followed directions and did not ask!)
- Reading the Comics, June 23, 2018: Big Duck Energy Edition (which is a silly title, yes, and fine.)
- In Which I Learn A Thing About Non-Euclidean Geometries (and raise a mathematical history question that I'm surprised didn't occur to me years ago; insights from people who know are welcome.)
- Reading the Comics, June 27, 2018: Stitch Day Edition (well, the first couple comics under review were published on the 26th of June, so that counts.)
And lastly, What's Going On In The Phantom (Weekdays)? Is Your Podcast's Mattress Advertiser Grenade-Proof? April - June 2018. It's been exciting stuff, although not a dense plot. Now let's check in on Casino Pier and its environment.

Afternoon sharp-light photograph of the Casino Pier Musik Express and Tilt-a-Whirl.

Profile picture of Hydrus's three-dimensional logo. Mind the teeth!

And a fresh ride on Hydrus, including here a view of the car so that you can see it scowling because every roller coaster has to be macho these days.

Peering up at Hydrus's main drop, and a view of the car glaring back at us.

Early evening light picture of the Moreland carousel, with the ambient light really making some of the mounts shine.

Floyd Moreland carousel's lights competing with the natural early-afternoon light. Good luck, light bulbs!

Yeah so I guess sometimes you just get a job being bacon. It happens.

Pirate-themed miniature golf just outside Casino Pier, which we enjoyed after our two-hour ride wristbands had expired.

Parking lot attendant using some of the slack time to do his saxophone practice. We could hear him from across the street and a good thirty feet or so up on the miniature golf course.
Trivia: General Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov was 45 years old when assigned to lead the defence of Stalingrand in 1942. Source: Why The Allies Won, Richard Overy.
Currently Reading: The Philosophy of Mathematics: An Introductory Essay, Stephan Körner.