austin_dern (austin_dern) wrote,

Carols everywhere

It was a week, on my humor blog, so please enjoy such diverse things as comic strips and me talking about comic strips:

I didn't take many still pictures during the train ride at Crossroads Village. Still, I did try a few ...


And for all that I know the pictures won't come out, I try taking them anyway. Here's an attempt at looking at another train, on a side track, that they decorate all around.


I bet if I had set this in low-light photograph mode there'd be some hope of telling what these creations are.


Here's some hot air balloons going into warp speed. The cool spotty-light effect is what happens when you photograph a light-emitting diode: that's the evidence of the half of every 60Hz power cycle that the diode is off.


I mean, imagine what the Christmas Dragon juggling like this would look like if we hadn't had the towel to wipe the windows clean! (This is a fib. This was through the window opposite us, so we never had a chance to clean it or anything.)


The Crystalline Entity, here to absorb the life-force of an entire planet, which of course the Federation destroyed rather than trying to domesticate it in case it turns out the Borg have a second cube.


And another look at the centerpiece overly-lit tree, with some of the village buildings in the background. The one on the left housed the model railroad layout.

Trivia: Pierre de Coubertin recognized the international winter sports competition held in Stockholm as the ``Northern Olympics'', but this series --- the Nordic Games (held seven times, through to 1926) --- remained independent of the Olympic Movement. Source: Encyclopedia of the Modern Olympic Movement, Editors John E Findling, Kimberly D Pelle.

Currently Reading: Land: How the Hunger for Ownership Shaped the Modern World, Simon Winchester.

Tags: crossroads village, humor

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