Apart from the announcement of new plans to remind workers about safety there's nothing new on the Nicoll highway or the Fusionpolis accidents today.
So while falling asleep I heard sharp, clear knocking at my front door. After midnight, that's frightening. I went out and looked around and found ... nothing. Back in bed, I heard a similar rapping at my window. Also similarly, nothing there. I must have been dreaming, or half-dreaming. I've been tired lately. I compounded things by telling someone who'd hurt me awfully some of how I feel even though I knew it wouldn't help either of us feel any better, and that's enough of that. Usually I know better than to sprinkle depression into the world. It just makes it harder for everyone to sleep. I think I need new bedsheets.
Today was a public holiday; I didn't take in any of the insane movie choices as I'm trying to push through a paper and a small project that I just don't like. It's like writer's block. I console myself with the thought that if I can slog through a couple days it'll be done, and none too soon.
I did, though, watch The Sid Caesar Collection, a DVD with not nearly enough sketches from Your Show of Shows and Caesar's Hour and one from The Admiral Broadway Revue. The sketches are accompanied with comments from some of the writers and performers and it's just gut-wrenchingly funny. Good high point for the day, and gasping for air because something's just that funny makes everything feel better.
Trivia: Irene Adler, who to Sherlock Holmes was always the woman, was from New Jersey. Source: A Scandal In Bohemia, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Currently Reading: The Second World War, John Keegan.