There is one little lingering footnote to the whole hospital expedition. Because of the rush when I had to get up, I couldn't do the Body Test --- weight and 'WiiFit Age' based on body control games --- first thing in the day, as I normally do, never mind getting my exercise in. Measuring first thing in the morning cuts out a surprising amount of variation in my weight. So I weighed myself and got some exercise in after we got back, and that did mean my weight was measured as higher than it was on Friday, for a rare weekend rise in my weight. Normally Saturday and Sunday see my weight dropping, with the weight bouncing back up on Monday and Tuesday, dropping after Wednesday (yoga class, and I suspect not coincidentally one where it's easy to miss dinner and instead nibble a bit on snacks instead) and fluttering around Thursday and Friday. In this day's case, after no real exercise and a lunch, my weight was up a little. I tried to be good-natured about this and considered what sort of weight drop I might see on Sunday.
Sunday my other brother --- the one who'd come in from Brooklyn --- happened to be home too. (I'm not sure why he was home, but he's visited about four weekends this year all, my mother says, to work on his taxes. Considering he had one employer last year I don't know what took him so long to figure out.) I was eager to see him on the WiiFit because he's the only person in the family whose body-mass index is in the 'Normal' range and I want to know what the music that pipes up for someone in the normal range sounds like. 'Obese', my category (so far) is downbeat; 'Overweight' is a couple octaves higher and pleasanter. But I missed that, coming in only as he was doing the Soccer Goalie game and trying to get enough credit to play the Penguin Slide. And he reported that there was no music: he had dropped into the 'Underweight' range which apparently plays nothing at all. That may be, but I wanted to hear the nothing.
Trivia: The letters patent by which the British Crown transferred ownership of Bombay to the East India Company in 1668 declared the city to be ``in the Manor of East Greenwich in the County of Kent'', and set a rent of £10 per year to be paid ``in gold, on the 30th of September, yearly, for ever''. Source: India: A History, John Keay.
Currently Reading: 1945: The War That Never Ended, Gregor Dallas.