It's come to an end after just short of seventeen weeks. One day short, to be exact. What I'm talking about is my streak of daily weigh-ins and exercise sessions on the WiiFit. I've kept a daily average of about forty minutes exercise since early January and I'm not at all happy about breaking the streak. Among other things I know it probably won't ever be that long again. But mostly once I've got a compulsion for something started it really hurts to have to break it.
But it's an unavoidable problem. The balance board, the thing most of the exercises are done by stepping on, cracked a couple weeks back. While it's a small crack and the separated sides of the plastic case pretty much snap together, it does need to go to Nintendo Master Command to be repaired and that's going to take by their estimate eleven to fifteen business days. (Eleven?) Naturally the board is just out of warranty, but my mother talked the repair price down to thirty dollars, which is still considerably better than buying a replacement would be.
It turns out also that there's nobody that rents out balance boards, or at least there's none around here that I could locate. A clerk at Hollywood Video seemed to think the idea was slightly mad, although he did start to opening the safe behind which WiiFits are kept when he clearly didn't hear me quite right and thought I wanted to buy a new one. My sister-in-law suggested that we could, you know, go outside and exercise but it's not just the movement that I want to do. The WiiFit counts things by the daily weigh in and I love the chart of my weight dropping most days of the week. I suppose this is the natural pretext to start using the development's exercise rooms, though.
As of my last weigh-in, incidentally, I've lost just shy of fifty pounds on the year. That's extremely satisfying since on starting out I had thought that might be as good as I could hope to do for the entire year. Oh, and for the balancing exercise of the ``Walking Test'', in which you take twenty paces and it returns a random number purporting to represent how near you are to walking with even force on the left and right foot, I got perfect balance, equal weight on both feet. Twice in a row. I have no idea how.
Trivia: At the time of King Alfred the Great's death, England had nominally around sixteen bishoprics, of which four or five were in Dane-held territory and long vacant; two were allowed to lapse. Source: From Alfred To Henry III, 871 - 1272, Christopher Brooke.
Currently Reading: 1945: The War That Never Ended, Gregor Dallas.