austin_dern (austin_dern) wrote,

Watch the jingle jangle start to chime

The epilogues: first, came the Tuesday after my visit ended, and alongside the process of my shopping for a car. That time I went to a spot near work, trying out some used cars, and after that I went to a mall nearby with a vague notion that I needed a new belt. The old had gotten to where I was on the smallest notch, and still had several inches free in defiance of the whole point of a belt. My father was promising that if I would just get his leather kit out of the attic he would punch more holes. I thought it better to buy a less oversized belt, and this was a convenient mall. I found one in Sears, where the customer ahead of me got a long spiel from the cashier regarding how one could potentially win money for answering the online survey the receipt indicated, and which he didn't quite get the first time. He got it halfway through the second, and I used that experience to insist I didn't need to hear it again. I didn't enter the survey contest.

Wandering around the mall I noticed in the coin-op rides for kids the ``Kiddie Coaster''; I didn't notice that so much as the Cedar Point logo on the screen. The ride offers the chance to simulate riding Gemini and Mean Streak, by way of a seat and monitor that shakes around. I couldn't help smiling over this echo of my visit just days earlier, and was admiring it when a kid and mother (I assume) came and took a ride. He chose to ride Gemini, which turned out to be video of the other coaster, the one I didn't take. But I was able to assure the mother that the ride really did look like that, and the kid very nearly sat still for the whole initial climb, and again for parts of the racing around the track. Both seemed to appreciate this abnormal burst of small talk on my part.

The other epilogue came later, as bunny_hugger reported the discovery of a pair of shorts much too large to fit her. Somewhere in the laundry I lost it. I suppose I could probably have used the space room in my luggage on the way back anyway. It's a little impressive I didn't lose more, or something more critically necessary.

Trivia: About 72,000 United States railroad employees were killed on the tracks between 1890 and 1917; close to two million were injured. Another 158,000 were killed in repair shops and roadhouses. Source: The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the Gilded Age, Alan Trachtenberg.

Currently Reading: A Century of Subways: Celebrating 100 Years Of New York's Underground Railways, Brian J Cudahy.


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