I thought it might be worth including photographs to better document the Venetian Swings, given that I may be the Internet's leading source of information about them. If it doesn't work out that way, at least I've tried.
This shows the main collection of rides at Crossroads Village. The building on the right houses the carousel; the building in the center is of a miniature pony cart; to the left, the Venetian Swings; and behind, the C W Parker Superior Ferris wheel.
This is a more head-on view of the Venetian Swings, with some slightly better idea of the scale implied by the benches and the cute little kid. Note that one of the swings is actually swinging.
These are two of the Venetian Swings boats. The seats are wooden benches, and to the sides of both are the ropes which one pulls on when riding them.
This shows a different angle on the Venetian swings as well as one covered, as we had seen in the winter visit.
Off to the side is a solo version of the ride. I assume it's for people in wheelchairs to allow them to rock themselves up to reasonable speed.
This picture catches one of the swings actually swinging, which is done by the two riders pulling alternately on their ropes until the damped resonance reaches that natural balance where the riders would feel sick if they pumped the ride any harder. I admit the sign claims the ride is closed until 3:30 and yet people are riding it; I can only suppose we're not to to take the sign too literally.
This is a shot of the Venetian Swings from relatively near the apex of the Superior Ferris wheel, which runs fast enough that it's a fun ride as opposed to slowly going up and then going back down. This is actually exciting instead.
The plaque, proclaiming these to be Venetian Swings serial number 93134, does not answer the question of who built the swings, but gives a strong impression that we're to think they were built in 1991. As they seem to be --- according to some articles --- the only Venetian Swings in the United States it seems challenging to think they were built as recently as that, and yet, what could the sign have really meant, then?
Trivia: The drawing of the Morton Girl, on the front of Morton Salt packages, was changed in 1914, 1921, 1956, and 1972. source: The Trivia Encyclopedia, Fred L Worth.
Currently Reading: Jacquard's Web: How A Hand-Loom Led To The Birth Of The Information Age, James Essinger.